Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he discusses God’s plan to separate the wheat from the tares at the resurrection.
Have you ever given your heart to God? The desire of God is that he may give you a new heart and a new life. What a shame it would be to miss eternity by only 18″, the space between the head and the heart. Join Juan Ascencion as he shares his personal testimony of […]
Please join Scott Butler as he delivers a powerful message about giving as you are able at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Join us as Josh Page talks about Pouring ourselves to God.
How good and how generous is our God! When God gives He gives more than we could ask or think. There is no limit to God’s generous character and He gives good gifts to His children.
Join pastor David liesenfelt and Rock Valley Christian Church as we celebrate the eighth day, A Biblical Holy Day looking forward to the resurrection and eternal life that is promised to all who believe.
Pastor David takes us through Gods word to show us where we should be gathering the water that never leaves us thirsty.
Join Rock Valley christian church as we celebrate the Feast of tabernacles 2016. “Come unto me all you who thirst and I will give you living waters”. A blessed time to give unto others and a time to receive from the Lord. We hope you enjoy the first in a series of messages given at […]
Judgment at the End Time
God’s Time of Testing