Conquering Strongholds In this message about freedom in Christ, David Liesenfelt teaches about how to pull down strongholds in our minds to bring every thought into captivity to Christ. Considering the stories of Jericho and Jerusalem, we learn valuable lessons about how we can overcome sin, and sinful ways of thinking, that repeatedly plague our […]
Walking in the Fear of God In Ecclesiastes 12, God says the whole conclusion of man’s life is to fear God and keep HIs commandments. What does it mean to fear God? Is it the same as being afraid of God? And why does God say this is the whole of man? Join David Liesenfelt […]
The Love of the Father In this message, Pastor David Liesenfelt asks the question is God a megalomaniac? Why is the great commandment to love Him with all our heart, soul, and might? Discover the truth about why “love with your all” is the first and great commandment and how this commandment can transform your […]
A child will not suffer for the sins of the father and the sins of the fathers do not have to pass on to the children. Gods mercy and forgiveness extends far beyond the sins of our fathers. learn from the story of king David how to live as the Lords anointed and trust him […]
What does seeking the face of God look like? Join Pastor David as he takes us through Paul’s journey in the book of Acts. Trials, suffering, patience and the manifestations of God’s Holy Spirit in power are what we can expect when we truly seek His face. Learn to praise Him in the storms of […]
Loving One Another. Join Pastor David Liesenfelt of Rock Valley Christian Church as he delivers a powerful and inspiring message about loving by faith.