Join Phil as he describes how the Feast of Tabernacles pictures God dwelling with man.
Join William as he talks about the love our Father has for us and how he yearns for us to come to Him and create an everlasting relationship.
Feast of Tabernacles 2020. Join Pastor David as he shares an inspiring message about God’s incredible blessings and the miracle-working power of a seed.
There is coming a day when all things will be made new. No more pain, no more sorrow and the God of heaven will dwell with men. As we look for this day let us draw near to Him as He draws near to us.
Have you ever read through the bible in a single year? It may be much easier than you imagined. Abiding in the Word of God is one of the marks of a disciple and in order to live a life of fruitfulness for the kingdom of God, it is a daily must.
The offerings and sacrifices of God can seem mysterious and perhaps a bit overwhelming. What exactly is it that God is looking for from each of us, what does He desire from His people? Join Dustin White as he expounds on what is a truly pleasing and acceptable offering to God on day 4 of […]
Join us as Brian Smith shares an inspiring message on day 3 of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Have you ever wondered why we keep God’s Feast Days? Is it just to celebrate and have a good time or is there something more? The Biblical feast days are all about God’s plans and purposes for his people and they hold the keys to much of what He is doing in our lives.
You have not because you ask not, and sometimes we ask and don’t receive. Do you know why? Join pastor David liesenfelt as he expounds on seeking the face of God and enjoying the blessing that he may just pour out if you so dare to ask
Rock Valley Christian Church, Feast of Tabernacles 2018 Day eight. Join us as pastor David Liesenfelt delivers a powerful message about Living for God and the hope of His Kingdom.