Jesus Judges with Righteousness, Part 2 In part two of this two-part series, Pastor David Liesenfelt teaches the doctrine of eternal judgment and shows what happens to the rest of the dead, those who were not believers in Jesus upon His second coming. Explore how judgment is delayed until after a 1,000-year reign of Christ […]
Jesus Judges with Righteousness, Part 1 In part one of this two-part series, Pastor David Liesenfelt shows what is prophesied for Jesus’ rule and reign on earth. After returning to earth, Jesus establishes and orders His kingdom with judgment and justice, changing the complete culture and way of life for the whole world. Learn how […]
The Government Shall Be on His Shoulder In this teaching, David Liesenfelt show how God the Father gave Jesus the responsibility of governing and of judging all mankind. Learn about how Jesus will judge and how He will deliver a Kingdom to God the Father that is free of sin, pain, sorrow, and death. Join […]
“Eternal Judgment” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt. Released: 2009.
“Resurrection Eternal Judgment 6” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt.
“Resurrection Eternal Judgment 5” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt.
“Resurrection Eternal Judgment 4” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt.
“Resurrection and Eternal Judgment Part 2” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt. Released: 2008.
“Resurrection and Eternal Judgment Part 1” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt.
“Resurrection Eternal Judgment 3” from RVCC by David Liesenfelt.