True Meaning of, “Thou Shall Not Murder” Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he delivers a message focused on the true meaning of God’s commandment, “Though shall not murder”. Join Rock Valley Christian Church worship services every Saturday @ 10:30 am PST Watch Live Online: Watch more sermons at If you would like to […]
You are My Friends if In this teaching, Pastor David discusses why Jesus said, you are My friends if You keep My commandments. Was this an issue of control, or is Jesus revealing a deeper truth about keeping God’s commandments? Discover how we truly know Him when we love Him and keep His commandments. Join […]
God said you shall have no graven images, to bow down and worship them…How does this apply today? What is your image of God? Join David Liesenfelt as he teaches on the second commandment and what it means to keep it.
Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he delivers a powerful message focused on how to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he dives into the true meaning of the commandments.
“Gods Commandments Part 11” by David Liesenfelt
“Gods Commandments Part 10” by David Liesenfelt
“Gods Commandments Part 09 David Liesenfelt
“Gods Commandments Part 08” David Liesenfelt
“Gods Commandments Part 07” by David Liesenfelt