Why Do Christians Fast? Part 2 Did Jesus want His disciples to fast? What is fasting, and what are the reasons that God would have us fast? Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he walks us through many Bible verses showing what God has taught about fasting and why it is an important spiritual tool in […]
Why Do Christians Fast? Did Jesus want His disciples to fast? What is fasting, and what are the reasons that God would have us fast? Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he walks us through many Bible verses showing what God has taught about fasting and why it is an important spiritual tool in the life […]
The Prayer of Jabez The first 9 chapters of 1 Chronicles list over 900 people by name as part of their genealogies. In the midst of this list, God makes mention of one who was more honorable than his brothers. Why was he more honorable? Join Pastor David Liesenfelt as he delves into Jabez’s motivation […]
What Does the Lord Require of You? What does the Lord require of You? What Does He want to see in your life? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt shows how God is creating us in His image and how He wants us to practice justice, mercy, and humility as He does. Join Rock Valley Christian […]
Pride and Humility Join Dusty White as he delivers a message about pride and humility. God says that, “He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. In this message Dusty unpacks God’s heart in this, what it means to be prideful and humble, and how you may apply it to your life. Join […]
The Lord’s Supper Jesus said if we do not eat His flesh and drink His blood, we have no life in us. What did He mean by that? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt shows how we are to proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes and why this is so important to us having eternal […]
Pride and Humility Most of us think of pride in terms of a person being openly haughty and arrogant. But pride, and humility, can take on many different forms in our lives. In this sermon, Pastor David Liesenfelt explores the differences between pride and humility, including what actually fuels human pride, while also showing us […]
Loving One Another. Join Pastor David Liesenfelt of Rock Valley Christian Church as he delivers a powerful and inspiring message about loving by faith.