If you have never celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles as a Christian, or if you have never celebrated the Feast with Rock Valley Christian Church, you may be wondering what to expect when you show up. A very clear instruction about what to do at the Feast of Tabernacles is shared in Leviticus 23:40: “And you shall rejoice before the Lord your God.” We take this to heart at Rock Valley – we love to rejoice before our Lord! As Christians, we incorporate our worship of Jesus into this festival celebration. It’s a privilege the Israelites were never able to enjoy.
We will have a Worship Service every morning at the Feast that will incorporate prayer, contemporary worship music and hymns, special music offerings, scripture reading, and Feast-themed, Bible-based teaching. As we are able, we plan to provide plenty of opportunities for fellowship so we can all get to know one another better, and we encourage you to plan get-togethers with friends new and old.
Other plans include Seminars, Teen Bible Studies, Youth Bible School, Worship Nights and various group activities. We’ll update our Feast Calendar as volunteers step forward and activities are planned.
Join us for the Feast if you want to enjoy…
8 days of worshipping God
8 days of learning more about God and His plans
8 days of time with your family
8 days of fellowship with other Christians
8 days of rejoicing with God and others
Practical Matters
How do I register to attend the Feast with Rock Valley? Click here to complete a Registration Form, one per household (parents and minor children, OR married couple, OR adult individual). We will close registrations when we reach capacity. Please do not fill out a registration form if you are unsure of your plans.
How can I help? Great question! We believe you should bring your offerings before God at the Feast. We want you to offer your gifts and talents in the form of service to others. We will communicate with registered attendees via email as we begin to form our volunteer teams. Thank you in advance for your help!
What should I wear? While we have never chosen to impose an attendee dress policy at Rock Valley, we understand your desire to feel comfortable in a new situation. For worship services, we recommend a minimum of business casual attire. Dress slacks and shirt for men or women would be perfectly acceptable. If you feel more comfortable wearing a suit or dress, feel free to do so. We respectfully request no shorts for adults and no sports hats during the worship service. For other activities, as always, our general recommendation would be to dress comfortably, in a modest way befitting the situation.