Rock Valley’s Feast of Tabernacles Registration

Planning to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with Rock Valley? You must submit a Registration Form. Unsure of your plans? Please do not register to attend Rock Valley’s Feast until your plans are finalized. After submitting your registration, please visit our Hotel & Area Information page for information on how to reserve a room at Black Rock Mountain Resort.

  1. One Registration Form per household/nuclear family.
  2. Adults who are 18+ and out of high school must register separately from parents, even if they live at home or are traveling to the Feast with parents.
  3. Please review your registration information carefully before submitting, and check for typos and mis-spellings.
  4. You will receive an email confirmation that your registration has been received.
  5. If your Registration Form is properly completed, you will be automatically added to our confirmed attendee list.
  6. Note: We will only implement an acceptance/wait list process when we are near or at capacity.

Questions? Click here to contact Stephanie Liesenfelt, Feast Director.