From Worry to Faith In this sermon, David Liesenfelt discusses the Biblical method to deal with worry and stress. Learn what Jesus has to say and how feeding on His faithfulness is the answer. Join Rock Valley Christian Church worship services every Saturday @ 10:30 am PST Watch Live Online: Watch more sermons at […]
How Moses Became “Moses” How did Moses become “Moses” the man of faith and power who led the children of Israel out of Egypt? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt looks at Moses’ calling by God to go back to Egypt, to a place he had fled, to free a people who were crying out for […]
Jesus’ Suffering, Faith, and Courage Why does God allow terrible things on earth to happen? Why doesn’t He intervene to stop all suffering? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt contemplates Jesus’ suffering and how even when He cried out for deliverance, and was heard by God His Father, yet He was made perfect by going through […]
A Still Small Voice – Will He Find Faith? Are you hearing God? Are you seeking His direction? Are you available to do His will once He speaks it to you? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt considers the life of Elijah, a prophet living in a time when most had turned away from God, and […]
Will He Find Faith, Part 2 Jesus asked, when the Son of Man returns, will He really find faith on the earth? In this teaching, we dive into Jesus’ question to discuss faith and how it manifests in our lives. We explore what works against faith in God, and how we need to take a […]
Will He Find Faith? Jesus asked, when the Son of Man returns, will He really find faith on the earth? In this teaching, we dive into Jesus question to discuss faith and how it manifests in our lives. We explore what works against faith in God, and how we need to take a stand in […]
Faith Is God warns us to not depart from Him through unbelief, but what does it mean to be faithful? In this teaching, David Liesenfelt explores what faith is, how we can strengthen our faith and what it looks like when we actually live by faith in our own lives. Join Rock Valley Christian Church […]
How to Be Holy God tells us to be holy as He is holy. How can we even begin to do that? In this message, David Liesenfelt shows us from the Bible the process by which we can all grow to be holy in our conduct. Join Rock Valley Christian Church worship services every Saturday […]
The Power of Thanksgiving In this sermon, Pastor David Liesenfelt asks us to stop what we are doing and think about God. Giving thanks and praise to God is a product of faith, of seeing God through all our circumstances, and experiencing His powerful presence whether we appear to be physically thriving or maybe just […]
The Love of the Father In this message, Pastor David Liesenfelt asks the question is God a megalomaniac? Why is the great commandment to love Him with all our heart, soul, and might? Discover the truth about why “love with your all” is the first and great commandment and how this commandment can transform your […]